You white racists are omnipresent on the internet, but not in real life. That's why you troll around and use ridiculous anonymous names and zero identification. If a person says they have a problem which is a result of who they, innately, are, then the correct response is to listen and respond accordingly, with sympathy for that individual and for the situation. White racists such as yourself like to say "DEI programs are wrong and destructive" and in the SAME sentence turn around and say "not everyone can be a pro basketball player" or "not everyone can be a supermodel." Not everyone can be a special WHITE SNOWFLAKE racist who is so unbelievably insecure, selfish, and falsely entitled they cannot understand or empathize with those who are different from themselves. Crack a Bible and read some of what Jesus Christ Son of God had to say. John 2:2 to start. God would not have made each person as they are if he did not LOVE all equally. Evil is the absence of God's love, so go find it and find a hobby worthy of a human, not a twisted, messed up creep.