You left out the part where she stated "it was a FIGHT between whites." I never objected to her making statements about "groups of white people." It's the fight word, the refusal to engage with that, and the insistence on people thinking she was talking about whites on whites and making some type of statement about racial violence when - yeah it was whites on whites (and many others, this was a World War and the Nazis were racist against all and devastated wherever they went, including North Africa). It was not a fight. The Nazis killed innocent men, women and children of all backgrounds and ethnicities, primarily WHITE Jewish people. By calling it a "fight" Whoopi repeated what WHITE NAZIS and current day white supremacists say about it. That the Jews DESERVED what happened by PROVOKING the Nazi oppression. It was not a "fight." The Nazis dragged Jewish babies and grandmothers out of their homes in the middle of the night and trapped hundreds of thousands in "ghettos" (google the Krakow or Warsaw ghetto, view pictures). Whoopi has made and continues to make many statements that serve power. She stated that Roman Polanski the film director who was convicted of drugging and raping a 13 year old girl did not do "rape rape". She similarly defended Bill Cosby, who was accused and convicted (overturned) of doing a similar drug-rape action on many women over the years. She always supports corporations, rich people, and powerful men like Harvey Weinstein. In WW2 Europe, Jews were scapegoated by the Nazis and murdered so Nazis could take their homes, money, belongings, and property. Millions of others who were not Jewish but also considered "lesser races" were also murdered, and forced into slave labor, many also dying in the slave labor factories. As to the race thing, today yes, in US culture, any person with white skin color is considered "white." But the Nazis did not think that. They called themselves Aryan "Master RACE" and viewed and said in countless films, posters, and their teachings to "Hitler Youth" that Jews and Slavs (Eastern Europeans) were a lesser race. To hear her trivialize the Holocaust and also to say that a rape is not a rape? Now it doesn't hurt me but I will absolutely not watch or listen to her again. My choice.