Yes, here I am on Sunday of Memorial Day weekend avoiding mandatory work to write a local profile of a real estate office for a client by reading Medium articles. I've had a few life experiences. I could not get even one of the top six agents who had verbally stated they would "always read my work" to - actually read or respond to my work when sent. Now I have paid thousands as you describe in your article to independently publish the best book I have written to date. I've never been a "volunteer ambulance driver" in a civil war in a foreign country but I have been a Fortune 100 consultant, have managed teams of over 100 people, have consulted with over 500 international businesses in nearly every business sector, helped hundreds of homeless families to move to permanent housing, am trilingual, and am an outdoors enthusiast (hiker, mountain climbing), rape survivor who was charged with causing the death of my baby (I did not, and the charge was dismissed and ordered expunged). This service won't promote me. I crosspost off this and will never give them anything more for free. Thank you. Take it easy.