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Wrestling Is The Story Of Our Lives
The biggest, longest-running show for the People on Earth
Lately, I’ve been watching wrestling again. There’s a whole new group of wrestlers, along with familiar faces — I saw Booker T the other night and I thought, “I used to watch Booker T back in the 80s!” He looked terrific.
It makes me feel great to watch wrestling. The emotions are so clear and understandable. The athletic feats are so amazing. Wrestling is for the people and it can make just about anyone smile, laugh, cheer, and even sometimes — cry.
When presented as a traditional athletic contest, American pro wrestling is completely fake.
When presented as the world’s longest-running athletic soap opera?
Nothing can compare.
Like everyone else who follows the world’s highest level of sports entertainment, I have my favorites. Sadly, several of them are gone — far too soon. Macho Man Randy Savage and Miss Elizabeth: both no longer with us. Rowdy Roddy Piper: gone. “Sensational” Sherri: gone. Chyna: gone.
The three women all lost their lives due to overdoses. Macho Man & Roddy Piper? Heart attacks. I don’t want to say anabolic steroids, but I will.