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Would The World Be Better if Run by Women? Or is 82 v 53 YO Celebriticians the Way to Go?
“Not all women” …
I routinely read heartfelt pleas of women sick of Trumpism and understandably fearful of fascism amid countless retrograde grabs for what few rights women have received in my lifetime. These heartfelt paeans to basic rights always ignore 79-year-old men accused of sticking their fingers in interns’ vaginas, and fail to acknowledge exploitation and harm done to other interns by 76-year-old former Chief Executives, who have also been credibly accused of forcible rape and egregious quid pro quo sexual harassment.
These same heartfelt human rights advocates also seem unable to cease making, sharing, and laughing at homophobic Putin-Trump memes. They adore fat-shaming Trump and slut-shaming Mrs. Trump. They forward endless seminude pictures of her.
And then there are endless high-profile celebritician feuds.
Over “looks.”
Who is better-looking? California governor Gavin Newsom’s ex-wife and Fox News host, attorney and celebritician Kimberly Guilfoyle, or the first female Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi?
Guilfoyle reportedly said Pelosi had “too much work done on her face.”