Screenshot of one of the thousands of LA Times articles about homelessness/government policy

Why Are There So Many Homeless? Again?

Amy Sterling Casil


Caligula or Nero could explain—

My Medium article about homelessness was featured on this platform in a bizarre twist of fate. Normally, my writing is marginalized.

Exactly like the people who were living in Playa Vista along the Ballona Wetlands trail …

where I used to hike.

This shows the more urban side of the encampment which is destroying the environment in the last wetlands in Los Angeles County — and it is a very small area to begin with

The homeless encampment which threatens the Ballona Wetlands (very close to “Silicon Beach” — the LA County outpost of Silicon Valley) and the fact there is only one tiny sliver of wetlands left in all of Los Angeles County are flip sides of the same evil coin.

The social attitudes that have created the encampment are the same as the ones that have destroyed the environment and are killing living creatures around the globe. I just read that during my lifetime, 70% of animals have died.

How hopeful life seemed when I was a little girl. I was too young and naive to understand that the devastating rush toward meeting and exceeding the every whim and need of the absolute worst examples of our species was already under way.



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