What I write is currently suppressed on Medium, as it has been several times in the past. I have been outspoken pro-Palestine and have also criticized other official politicians in the past using factual information. I see that for this, you have many readers and claps. Please consider reading, sharing, and supporting the Bystander Initiative. My rape experience was different: the cops believed me and were sympathetic up to the point when they began practicing what the lawyers would say about me in court if I chose to press charges.
Here's my article about the Bystander Initiative - https://medium.com/@asterling/holding-sexual-assault-enablers-responsible-52e149bce9b6
Without these people, in your case the cops and everyone else who looked the other way while this man raped you and your friends, these rapists couldn't continue.
The current figures are 1 in every 4 to 5 US women and girls are raped. There are no current statistics on how many people are actually serving time for this crime right now but the RAINN statistics on how many rapists ever actually are arrested, convicted, and serve time are terrible.
Please visit and share and learn about the Bystander Initiative. This crime shouldn't even be on the books, it is so seldom prosecuted. I am soul-tired of reading about the harm these men do with absolutely nothing ever done to them. I'm very sorry for what you went through and I hear you, sister. I hope that man gets at least some taste of the misery he puts others through. I hope for healing, peace, and happiness for you.