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What Do Right-Wingers Really Mean By All Lives Matter And Right To Bear Arms?
A normal person’s guide to Conservative speech and sayings
I’ve been a working writer since 1996. I am often called upon to write about subjects about which I know little, which requires me to do research.
I receive a daily newsletter about the “Word of the Day,” and most of these words seem to be derived from other languages, usually French or German.
I work with words.
When I sit down and review the words of hardcore right-wing Western people in response to various bad events, I have to say: I’m truly astonished.
We Have a Constitutional Right to Bear Arms
Many conservative gun owners are members of the National Rifle Association (NRA). This large organization promotes the “right to bear arms” as part of the Bill of Rights amending the U.S. Constitution.
We frequently hear news reports describing a mass shooting. More than one mass shooting per day has occurred in 2023 in the United States.
Here’s a quote from a news report about one of the most violent recent mass shootings:
A family of four has become a family of one after a 6-year-old’s…