These are very famous people who came forward publically and who have had repeated TV interviews.
This is Paula Jones, and Clinton had state troopers bring her to his hotel room for a job interview, which turned out to be him dropping his pants and ordering her to perform oral sex —
Juanita Broaddrick is now a friendly acquaintance of mine — she was an active campaign volunteer when asked to meet Clinton for a political meeting, he forced himself on her and gave her a “fat lip” telling her after the rape to “put ice on it.”
Kathleen Willey was also a volunteer while Clinton was in the White House. She went to him to ask for a job for herself or her husband, who had lost his job (and I believe committed suicide shortly thereafter due to lack of income and depression. He forced himself on her.
In this day and age I am absolutely stunned that anyone would write an article like “I’m so tired of hearing abt Monica Lewinsky — it was her fault.” The U.S. Democratic political party is beyond corrupt. It is inextricably tied to these types of crimes. It supports them, and it accepted and continues to accept big campaign contributions from the kind of pig people that do them. The group apparently believes that by hiring people to write things like this, and by harassing individuals that speak up or out against them, and by demonizing any and all people that its pig representatives harm who dare to speak out that it will continue to advance itself to the top of the economic and social pile of crime …
Bill Clinton has done as he pleases for his whole life and his wife is fully aware and one can only assume, very supportive. A shame that gender bias and the patriarchy cost her the rightful power to which she should have been entitled after so many years of thoughtful, unceasing service.