That's interesting - if your dad bod were featured in a Robert Mapplethorpe exhibit, what would people do? I think people would laugh upon seeing it. One thing I know, that maybe you do not since you are obviously a guy, is that many men do like larger women. So there are many thousands of SI readers who do like this issue, and who do like seeing the plus-sized models. You ask, would gallery viewers like to see a "semi plus sized" man, which is basically what we women look at anyway, all day long, in most relationships, and do women find this sexy? Well - in our personal lives, we love our men with their dad bodies. I don't think SI was being "politically correct" in the way that Peterson (or you) are suggesting because I truly do think they were giving a portion of the public what they want - a segment previously ignored. Would people like to view a plus-sized male model with a beautiful body? Maybe. Average not-so-beautiful body? I don't think for either male or female ...