SUGAR COATED butter sticks, Michelle!! And not moving a muscle all day - I can see you now! I can share a little feedback on your breakfast - I've been eating oatmeal as my "blood sugar" challenge via Zoe - and I was eating it every night with some raisins as my nighttime "snack" and reward and very slowly losing weight, maintaining my giant meno-belly. So, oatmeal, unless I eat it with some protein or a LOT of nuts - spikes my blood sugar bigtime, more than sweets I ate last nite (sugary macaroons). Try switching the oatmeal out for plain Greek Yogurt, or eating some serious protein first - see if that makes a difference. Also, I was getting (and am currently using) "quick cooking" oatmeal - "Great Value" brand - so there is a nutritional difference between quick cooking oatmeal, "regular" longer cooking oatmeal, and steel cut oats. Steel cut oats won't spike blood sugar quickly but the "quick cooking" oatmeal is also quick-digesting quick blood sugar spike (for me ... and I suspect most others). Saw this discussion of how we digest these different types of oatmeal - bottom line, the quicker the cooking, the faster digested. "Healthy" oatmeal ... but it's the biggest blood sugar spikes I've had of any foods so far.