Morgan, I loved reading about Darine! Thank you so much for speaking with her family and relating her story truthfully. Reading about her last days, I couldn't help but remember that my mother died of pancreatic cancer at age 40 - both she and Darine were so very young. I really feel for her family and friends, and glad that her sister is keeping the archive and there is a scholarship in her name.
A while back, I wanted to write about Dick Gregory, because he was so influential in nutrition (even influenced MY home/family) and I found this article about his role in the case of the 3 murdered civil rights workers - I learned that in addition to the examples you related, "Hef" featured Dick Gregory as one of the first Black standup comedians and that Dick Gregory was involved in pressuring the FBI to solve this crime despite the authorities that murdered them, covering up. Here is a link, I'm sure you probably know this much more than me but I would like other readers to see the story, which they might also be interested in -