I've attempted, with a small success, in making similar points. If money is the only consideration (obviously there are many others) but talking ONLY about earnings and wealth building and business sustainability - it is very inefficient, unproductive, and actively denigrating of any corporate mission or earnings to make things as hard as they are for Black entrepreneurs and others such as researchers, scientists, physicians, creative artists, etc. You are in a much more influential position than I, and have achieved so much. I can return feedback that I think this issue is literally changing right now as I'm typing. People's minds are opening in ways they never were before. I don't want anyone to have to work as hard as you and your mother and others did, or as hard, continuously, and life-drainingly as I also have had to do. Good work requires sufficient time, a supportive work environment, trustworthy team members, and a culture of inclusiveness and appreciation for diverse talents and abilities. A strong and vibrant economy and culture grows when people are valued and where the basic necessities of life are not commodities to be withheld to force people to do soul and body-harming jobs to enrich others, but are part of the fabric of life. Those are my beliefs, and that's what I want for everyone, today and moving forward. I definitely do not want my daughter and hopefully grandchildren - but for now my nephews - to grow up in a world that is so harsh, demanding, and low quality of life with absolutely no cause or need.