It seems to me that education and engaging him in the process would be a better option than just suspending him and starting yet another online controversy that people don't fully understand. I don't know what the movie says that he shared, but I have had comments on my articles (like one about where Whoopi Goldberg went off base with her Holocaust commentary - she somehow indicated that the Holocaust was some type of "fight" when in fact, millions were kidnapped and put to slave labor, and millions of others, lied to, deceived, and taken to murder camps) - to someone like me, who lost dozens of family members none of us will ever know in these wartime incidents - it's hurtful and frankly, as ignorant as saying "Why didn't Black Africans 'fight' the slave owners?" (as if they did not - they did) to indicate that little 10 year olds or 90 year old "grannies" should have just armed themselves better to fight the Nazis ... I have a persistent commenter on that article whom I finally realized was either an actual Nazi using a Black person's image, or I am taking from this article, maybe it was a Black man or woman who did believe anti-Semitic propaganda about Jewish people such as "Jewish people enslaved Black Americans and want to make them poor because they are racist" AS IF THERE ARE NOT HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF WHITE KKK members who do have those opinions and have taken those actions ... and are not Jewish. Jewish people are people, just like any other. They have religious and cultural traditions that separated them from other European people, and they also aren't 100% "from Europe" as others have pointed out, they are from the Middle East too, and there are Ethiopian Jews. I hear these ignorant comments and I can't even say s**t back because in the overall cultural discussion, I am "white" - maybe I am even a "Karen." I cannot control others or what they believe, but it's pretty sad that it looks like blame and demonizing other people goes around no matter who is discussing people who are from diverse backgrounds. Like - Jewish people do not necessarily believe they are the only "chosen people." I am a Christian by religious faith so I can discuss some of the different beliefs that impact today's cultural chats - like abortion. Abortion is not considered wrong by Jewish people, because they believe life begins at birth. Pretty basic, huh? I'm willing to dialog with you. But every time I get called a racist "Karen" or attacked viciously for standing up for my family members who were victimized by Nazis - yeah. I think this type of thing does serve a purpose and it seems to benefit the actual white supremacist racists most of all.