I'm thinking there may be some reason why you are not including a picture of your self and don't refer to the many men who make their living based on their physical appearance or performance. You realize some women do sex work, OnlyFans, or PornHub so they can feed their children ...
The women in this article aren't acting sexually or dressing in very revealing clothing because it's their first choice, in most cases - even Miley Cyrus. They're paid entertainers and the people who pay them? Are men. Those are the people you should say are wrong, though I doubt that's ever gonna come out of your mouth. I fail to see how "dressing sexy" or revealing one's body has anything to do with your objection to "feminists." These are things women do to entertain, make money, get by. This is the way the world is. But if you want to engage in some mud slinging with other out of touch primates - yeah I guess, whatever.