I'm sure this message will be very popular with the service's competitors and larger investors. It's not exactly a read of the public room. "Reduce workforce by 20%." Do you think that is the company's major expense? In black-and-white ... "take away people's livelihood" to pay investors what they want, people who do not work, and whose skin in the game ... were you an initial investor in Facebook? How much actual cash would you lose if the company went out of business (which it is very unlikely to do). From a human perspective, this is a truly jerk-off thing I've just read. And, furthermore, I have NO IDEA what an "important person" you are or what your role is to make these management oriented comments. Maybe you're just a regular stockholder. But aren't there individuals paid by this company to manage it? And of course, the gentleman to whom you've addressed this? "We do not take job reductions lightly." LOL - yeah. What a piece of work. Have fun with your life. With your attitude? Somehow I have a feeling that I, my husband, all of my friends here in FL and back in Cali ... we ALL have better lives than you do and for the foreseeable future. And we just made it thru Hurricane Ian!