I read the "statements" of the "offended" authors on Twitter. I do not know Misty Lackey, but have many friends who do. I remember many friends reading and enjoying her work. Most of all, an organization does not grant an award, then in a short period of time, turn around and rescind it over something like this. I understand that the people on Twitter including the other panel participant believe they were victims of "verbal violence." It's just a sad and disgusting situation, absolutely shameful. Go look at Mr. Slappy on my profile ("With an ass like hers ...) Nobody ever did anything about this fool and dozens of others like him. We all faced a lot of actual discrimination and in my case, physical violence (I would love to hear from that b*tch that complained about Misty Lackey state how hearing her splutter out "spcolored" is white violence and what happened to me was not important and not violence). This enrages me as the people who complained are so obviously insanely privileged themselves, in an insular world in which they will state something like this is a racial slur and that they experienced violence, and will expound for weeks on s**t Twitter - and there are government agents backing them because these nontroversies support the cause of actual racism by driving people apart over non issues. I invested 6 years of my life as a SFWA board member and volunteer and twice coordinated the Nebula event. No one I served on with would have ever considered the idiotic actions taken in this circumstance. To the woman who complained so bitterly about hearing Misty Lackey saying this about good old gay Black Chip Delany (who did not object, neither did Steve Barnes, who's done his time in the barrel with the old hairy-knuckled guys ...) I am a fucking HELBITCH and if this bitch wants to go with me? I am glad to do so. I was raped and nearly killed by the white rich man who awarded me the 5-college writing prize at the Claremont Colleges, I have been physically sexually harassed by half a dozen men in the "sci fi field" and I was slapped in the face and groped in front of cameras at the Writers of the Future Awards. Nobody ever did shit about any of that, and that doesn't even count the cash work opportunities - of which I was always doing someone else's work, always fixing something up, never having time for my own work. I'm working on someone else's work right now ... I read all of the bulls**t of these people. Violence is VIOLENCE. And apparently they don't really know what that is. I feel these issues are being used now to punch down at women and girls. It was never easy to be a female writer of any color in the sci fi field and of late, I have seen people in the false cause of combating (apparently - its real result is increasing) racism attack vulnerable white females - Anne Frank (just wrote about it), Helen Keller (disabled), and Misty Lackey - a senior, older writer who experienced the challenges of the 60s and 70s. I wrote this about someone else who - impossible to believe - is now my friend. I'm not picturing that in this case. https://medium.com/@asterling/an-open-letter-to-a-bitch-i-hate-fbbb60e63371