I only heard what he was said to have said at the OJ Trial, I had NO idea this guy was on tape bragging about the worst behaviors of one of the US' worst, most militarized PDs. LAPD/LASD are scary, I would always feel sorry for the younger, diverse officers who would start out. I was development officer for several affordable housing complexes in S. LA, and ... I know cops, know a lot about cops but I had no idea Fuhrman was like one of the A.B. cops with the absolute WORST attitude & behavior. A funny story (because not all cops are bad in the Fuhrman way) - my former boss ordered me to take a little disabled Chihuahua home when they found a homeless lady had him in a purse. She was going to an apartment that didn't allow pets (FREE to her, I might add). When she applied to our program she was living in a rental Mercedes - that she'd rented and never took back. I took this little guy home and we took him to the vet. He was at least 13 lbs and was supposed to weigh 6. He couldn't walk bc he'd been in the purse for a long time. He wheezed, and he was terrified when we put him on the grass in the back yard. When my friend brought home Taco Bell, he went nuts. So this little dog lived in a purse at least 2 yrs, and the lady had him in a diaper. So I kept rehabilitating him - and would have returned him to her once she went to a place she could have pets. This lady returned the favor by calling Rampart Division & there was a female detective there who called me every week, twice a week, to find the location of the "stolen Chihuahua." So that is in LAPD too. The worst beating/vicious racist like Furhman and a "dogged" detective who spends all her time finding nonstolen abused Chihuahuas. We finally rehabbed Taz, and he lost the weight. Oh, I forgot - his owner had also debarked him. When the vet said that, that was when I decided he couldn't go back to that lady.