I get so depressed about Medium, then I read things like this. Your dad sounds like a great man, Greyson.
By the time I got to the last picture, I was laughing so hard.
Picture 1: Beet shaving chips, assorted fish roe on a bed of crab lung foam, freeze-dried seaweed garnish
Picture 2: Airport lounge with plastiwood panels & granite countertop slab tables
Picture 3: Purple potato Pringles on avocado foam, Bermuda grass garni
Picture 4: Excess antique foam rocks from "Land of the Lost," gnarled Andean potato of the Gods
Picture 5: Mango/acorn squash sorbet dusted with ground cannabis "Martian" style
Picture 6: Aged orange and green pork rinds on a bed of sheep's milk crema, freeze-dried rhubarb strip garni
Picture 7: Yak liver pate en-roque topped with hot and mild Chee-to dust.
Picture 8: My guess? Radish slices surrounding a glob of llama kidneys, on a bed of apricot reduction
Picture 9: A Klingon dessert or the item in the back of the walk-in.
"This guy won't know ..."