I feel the same, Jo. In many places in the US, there's effective apartheid too. There are towns that are physically split between Black and White - and the discussion is often about that. My hometown was split mostly between Brown and White, and I grew up on the Brown side - I am bilingual Eng/Span. Thank you so much for commenting. There were Zionist attacks on this article but it looks like Medium has removed them.
I think it's very important that South Africa has accomplished what it has, and also very important that it is bringing the charges against Israel in the International Court. I am proud of them.
I'm not sure it's worth a whole article - but we had an acquaintance here in town who was a fully-indoctrinated white supremacist racist - an Italian-American retired DEFENSE ATTORNEY from an east coast city. He wanted to tell me how horrible and debased SA was after the fall of the apartheid government. I don't think so.