I do not think inflation comes from either cause, Jeff. The root cause of current inflation is businesses in different industries seeking to amass capital in advance of a downturn most believe is underway, coupled with the Fed raising interest rates. I can tell you this is a fact in the housing industry. I can also tell you from doing about 500 financial projections and analyzing financial records of hundreds of other businesses that the old argument of "rising salaries fuels inflation" is not borne out by reality. Unleashing a lot of capital into the economy during COVID ("printing money") - this is still "dry powder," Jeff. There is still $1 trillion dry powder in the private equities. They are already cutting out deals and reducing investment though they have massive amounts of printed money. That money is not circulating. So these firmly held beliefs of you and others - the whole problem is, when you actually look at balance sheets, do benchmarking, and see how things are priced? No. This is people trying to make sure their needs are met and their personal financial goals will be achieved. It is not exclusively a result of "printing money" - maybe more like of hoarding it.