I disagree - I believe the author is talking about workplace mandates for people who do not have any issues with their pronouns. I use terms of respect for others based on what they indicate to me their preference is. I think ME BEING TOLD I should "indicate MY pronouns" as a work requirement is unnecessary. Can you read the "M" word there - I'm talking about MY SELF. Not you or others. I will respect and abide by what you and others tell me is your preference. These types of extreme statements such as you have made do not educate or assist others. It instead encourages more discriminatory behavior. I see this is an older article, but by what you said, I *knew* this would be said. If you feel you must attack a self-identified strong leftist in this manner, why do you not devote this energy to attacking those who deliberately misgender? There are many of them. Instead, the attacks are always against people like this author who are caring and ethical but who are working to understand themselves and others in a changing environment.