I am positive the schools here in Florida have had good materials available for many years. This reminds me of the campaigns of the 80s and 90s to prohibit children from playing certain video games or from listening to certain music like Marilyn Manson (who turned out to be a dreadful abuser, shocker). You’ll notice I often write about health and wellness. My main motivation for writing this was, I saw the law publicized, looked into it, and realized that I had just written about how hormones in our food system have probably turbocharged kids beginning their periods at increasingly young ages. It is so bad that they went to such an extent — I am so sorry you went through that. I had girlfriends who were in a similar situation to you: they went to Catholic school. I didn’t know base schools were also so behind — back when we were young, age 13 was typical, but I had quite a few friends who started at age 12. We’re not talking about “sex” — that they would sexualize something like this — we are on the same page.