I am going to comment on this because if this behavior occurred among an all-white group of women of similar ages and socioeconomic status, it would serve as gossip for days, if not weeks. "Can I touch your hair" would NOT be said between two white women in a similar social circumstance - it would mark the person who requested to touch hair as socially awkward - at best. At worst it's an obvious sign of condescension. There is no white friend group to which I've ever been associated where "hair touching" that's not part of everyone grooming or combing each other's hair (like getting ready to go out or for a party) is acceptable. Similar is true of 100% of the microaggressions. I just - from an extremely low, "banned" and zero distribution status on this so called "platform" for "writing," wrote about my opinion of overtly racist white people. It is that they are, in general, jerks - i.e. people who aren't trustworthy or decent in many other regards. "Not all white people" commit microaggressions - it looks like your studies have confirmed that.
And the degree of a$$hole behavior, to use a technical psychological term - rises in direct proportion not just with racism, but also with many, many other antisocial, asocial, and untrustworthy behaviors. These are the "Bystanders" who look the other way, or also tacitly or overtly support other behaviors of exploitation and discrimination. These individuals DIRECTLY benefit from racism and economic oppression and they know it. That is the truth. We do not need more "science" to confirm it we need social pressure to stop the behaviors or at the minimum, apply consequences for them, so they can be reduced.