I already told you I LOVED YOUR HAIR! It's absolutely beautiful and wonderful with your gorgeous skin and beautiful eyes. The clod who was so ageist with you? I had an incident a few months ago where I would have thought I'd known better, but of course not. The woman turned out to be my age and thought I was younger than her because my hair hasn't much gone gray yet (it's getting "super" around the temples - as in super gross and I'm not going to be anywhere near so fortunate as you with beautiful silver hair). This lady and her assistant wasted many hours of my time doing something they both do not know how to do. And something I do not want to do any more, either (pitch decks). People with low and no social skills seem to abound. You were a well-qualified healthcare copywriter being interviewed by an idiot with zero verbal filter and rudimentary people skills. Great choice to run a HEALTHCARE website! take care Michelle!