Humans Are Not Baguettes

They don’t call it “bread” for no reason

Amy Sterling Casil
6 min readMay 20, 2021


I get the New York Times newsletter every morning. One day I’m told I’m a vicious, anti-social killer because I failed to double-mask and self-isolate for six months, and … According to NYT last week, after eighteen months of self-isolation in my closet and simultaneous volunteering for and maxing out my donations to Biden-Harris, I can hug family members again. As long as I’m vaccinated and so are they. Twice. By the way COVID is over get back to work.


Seriously — one day later look at the happy family! Happy Mother’s Day! — it’s OVER get back to work!!!

You heard me! Get back to work! Whaddaya mean ya don’t want to work 18 hours flipping burgers for $7.25/hour? Ya don’t want to be a server at my delicious vegan chain fast casual restaurant? Excuse me, lazy worker, I funded up for $25 million Series A and I am not about to give up my dream of becoming a billionaire on a bike-through kiosk serving cultured soy foodlike substances meant to be eaten by the masses and save the planet.



Amy Sterling Casil

Over 500 million views and 5 million published words, top writer in health and social media. Author of 50 books, former exec, Nebula nominee.