Hi Frances - I liked what you said about no one should feel guilty about discrimination or racism unless they did something wrong, and I'd add - failed to recognize and do something to change their attitudes. The exclusion and aggression, I think is mostly fear based. I think that many well-off people do know they've done a few or more things to be in their position that weren't decent or fair. Maybe it's like the opposite of the Golden Rule - not "treat others how you'd like to be treated" it's the Nasty Heart of Coal Rule - "others will treat me the way I treat them so I'd better ..." a) cut them down first; b) pre-emptively attack them before they do it to me. I think this is at play, and when we consider how few people are really like this but the outsized damage they do - is it truly an insolvable problem? Maybe an amendment to the Golden Rule is in order. I'm not sure what ...