Hello Vicki - I just looked at your book's reviews on Amazon. I think more than a few of the 1 and 2 star ones are from men's rights abusers, potentially even the same one or two people. With this book being well-reviewed in professional publications, and with excellent recommendations, you would think that this would not occur. I would encourage your publisher to draw Amazon's attention to this problem if you feel it is a potential issue. This is present on every book I have written except for the majority of the educational, nonfiction ones. They will not remove reviews of this nature for me, and did not/do not respond to any of my publishers' contacts in the past. However, I have hope that the obvious beneficial nature of your book might give rise to efforts rectify the problem, which is one of general harassment against women, especially older women. There are more, and worse, of this type of one star review on any female author of color - writing outside of what one would expect (romance, etc). Maybe even on those, too.