Hello Shannon — I see this is an older article, but it was featured in my email this a.m. I had not heard of lipodema before I started reading your articles. I have a friend who has another disease called Dercums which causes painful fat deposits and unavoidable, intractable weight gain.
That said — I’m getting the picture you want to do an Ironman Triathlon along with becoming more fit. And, I’m especially getting the picture you want to be healthy for your daughter.
So — my health was being ruined by being sedentary because I have to work many low-paying hours a day, either freelance or through contract work, so our family has its needs met and we don’t have to worry about homelessness.
I got a Fitbit and an exercise desk. It sounds from what you wrote that you might have one, too.
If you don’t have a fitness tracker (I use Fitbit and this isn’t a brand recommendation) you might be able to benefit.
This is how Fitbit has helped me since Christmas — it is a really big difference and I feel like I have control and knowledge that I didn’t have before.