Hello Mr. Harim ... maybe I will write about this. Some women are predatory. It isn't an excuse, but the behavior arises from the fact that many womens' options for getting by in life are very limited, much more limited than those experienced by the majority of men. It's the same mentality in a woman as it is in a man who is, let's say - a dishonest CEO who exploits workers at his business, like by cheating them on their pay, or by laying them off after they've worked really hard, just prior to retirement. I was just at a women's wellness get together - I could tell once I told the other ladies the 4 different careers I've had and my insane life path resulting in a happy marriage and healthy, fulfilled life, that it was a lot to absorb. Some of the ladies are my friends, and my very good friend Suzanne and I are doing this together as a business, to help other women be fit, healthy and happy. So, what I have to say is, neither Suzanne nor I (nor any of my other close friends) would ever consider for one second lying, cheating, or abusing any man we've been with, much less a spouse. Because we are honest, decent, self-respecting women who want to live honestly and decently. Unfortunately, many men are deceived by women who are goodlooking and possibly fit, but who do not share our character traits and self-respect, which prevents us from doing what you have said other women have done to you -- because we prefer to be able to look ourselves in the mirror each day and know we are decent, caring humans. Karma's a bitch, Mr. Harim. These women who mistreated you will not experience good karma or a happy older life. Liars, cheats and cruel people end up alone. And, as a good man, I believe you WILL find a caring and respectful partner!!! DO NOT LOOK ONLINE! For both men and women these days, it is bad - a location for scammers !