Hello Charles, how are you today? I was thinking about what you said because I have done about 500 business plans for people and about half have been ones for SBA funding or private investment. Out of this whole large group, only 1 (one) qualified business owned by a Black American got funding. I estimate that among the group, about 50 were Black founders/owners. In general, the Black founders are more prepared and more qualified (on average) than others of other backgrounds. But their "success" rate in getting funding is far less. I know there's conscious, purposeful racists behind a lot of this at upper levels but on a day-to-day basis, I think it is unconscious bias - the investors and loan officers are much harder on Black founders and what they should/need to do. I've seen it over and over. If ever questioned, the investors or loan officers will become extremely angry - so obviously I can't ever question anything like that if I want the people to be successful. I'm doing work for 2 ladies right now (Black Americans) who are perfectly qualified and have a business that will not only make money, it will help thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of cancer survivors. I don't want this business to be another stat - it would help everyone and be a big positive if it were successful. Yes, looking to the future is the only way.