Do you run financial projections? If you did, you'd be aware that the 30% profit margin you cite is "insanely high" and the so-called "dismal" margin is 3x what other automakers manage. Some might say this could be evidence of "overpricing" among a customer base that has "more money than sense". But that someone wouldn't be me. I think this is a very Tesla-centric analysis and it's kind of funny because I don't think I've ever read a non-specialist financial analysis on Medium that successfully represented actual reality for actual industries, especially manufacturing. That said, it's not like much these days bears any reality when compared to the "little people's" lives and orgs that have to pay actual bills and meet real-world KPIs. And that said - this is interesting and I hope for the best, as there are many Tesla cars already on the road and one would hope they can continue and recover - since regardless of these figures, it seems clear they need to change paths and return to success.