All we want is happiness
We don’t want your dirty cash
We just want to live our lives
Without an endless money dash
The things we value
Your money can’t buy
We’re not the same as you
We have no need to lie
We don’t ever get a charge
From putting others down
We believe that living large
Means lots of friends in our town
We may hate school
Because it wastes our time
We don’t need to follow rules
That cover up your crimes
We don’t believe in telling
Others what to do
Taking but never giving
To enrich the very few
You got rich by cheating
Lying and ripping off
You know zero about living
Or what real humans go through
Change is coming rich people
Like thunder in the distance
Like the avalanche on the mountain
Like the waves on the shore
Like the sun rising over the horizon
Change is coming rich people
And it is coming for you