Bob, my article does state "Jesus was not a socialist" because such concepts did not exist during his life. The dictionary definition of socialism is: "a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole." The "community as a whole" does not equal "government." Our government that we have in the US, and in most (not all) localities, does not serve or represent the "community as a whole." Everyone would be included in "the community as a whole." And, this is a very weird/narrow terminology that addresses the manufacturing economy of the late 19th century, not today's economy where people with different skills are beginning to call more of their own shots. If you've ever tried to liquidate a factory and machines that make things that are no longer needed, the owners of that might want to spread the share of their losses around to "the community as a whole" and we certainly saw such strategies executed during the 2008 mortgage crisis, and continue to see them today in tax writeoffs for individuals owning properties that are vacant or unused. Maybe you'd better look at more than your sophistic defenses of the indefensible and your kneejerk responses about these issues. I actually do not support the 19th century definition of "socialism." Anyway, have a good day, I got a ladies meeting to get to.