Also - as far as these issues go - my family came from Ukraine to US in the early 1900s because their town was burned down and thousands of people killed due to repeated Pogroms by what we called "white Russians" or "Cossacks." The city was called Berdichev and it is now a ghost town after the pogroms and Nazis - there were over 1 million Jewish people there before the pograms, now after WW2 maybe 45,000/ I'm putting this because I literally just now learned that the current President of Ukraine that is being attacked by Russians is one of the few remaining Jews in the country. There is a connection between Black people in the US and their treatment and Jewish people in European countries. For hundreds of years, the segregated neighborhoods Jewish people were forced to live in, in cities like Paris, Warsaw, and Kyiv, were called "ghettoes." The Pogrom was an attack by armed Cossacks who would ride into the town, attack everyone, burn down houses, destroy the churches, kill the men, rape the women, and sometimes take the children as serfs. In Russia, a serf is a peasant who is a slave. There were serfs right up to the Russian revolution. It is a long standing tradition in Russia and the region. Stalin had "gulags" for slave labor just as Hitler had many slave labor factories. Whoopi was correct - the "inhumanity to man" is very widespread and affects every single person and has cost so many lives. I thought to put this because this issue is going on right now and they are even calling the Ukrainians "Nazis" - there are white supremacists there but the actual government leader is a Jewish man being called a Nazi right now. It is insane.